We are so blessed to have an engaged and caring community! Thank you everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to participate in the Successful Gardiner Community Workshop on Tuesday night. You can read the full meeting summary here.
We had 87 people sign in on Tuesday who participated in 5 discussions groups. On Thursday night, we will pick up where we left off on Tuesday night. Please join us even if you did not make Tuesday night. Here is a brief overview of what we will be covering:
1. Affordable Housing still needs much discussion. A definition of a success was created to apply to different scenarios and tools. There was a lot of learning on the tools, but we still need to have a discussion about the four option available to Gardiner and what tools can be accessed under each option. Come ready to work on these scenarios!
2. Sustainable Tourism created a set of draft principles and principally explored the first strategy. The discussion will continue on Thursday diving deeper into the other strategies that were not discussed and brainstorming how to advance the best ideas.
3. Protecting Community Character did a great job exploring the 3 scenarios and next will compare those scenarios to craft a recommendation for action. If we can develop some goals, that would be icing on the cake!
4. Strengthening Community and Creating a More Youth & Family Friendly Community did great work creating specific recommendations. The two groups are being combined on Thursday night as they had similar ideas. To move these great ideas forward will require volunteers from the community to access grant money that may be available. Come out and let's make some dreams a reality with a solid action plan.
Read the meeting summary for the topics you are most interested in!
Look forward to seeing you on Thursday evening. Dinner begins at 5:30. Please note that we were unable to secure a babysitter. Our sincere apologies to all the parents.
