AutomationDirect is now stocking two new C-more Micro touch panels. C-more Micro panels provide vital HMI data to the operator effectively by displaying text, images, and bitmaps.

The EA3-S3ML C-more 3′′ Micro touch panel is priced at $198.00 and features a 3.1-inch STN LCD monochrome display and twelve adjustable LED-driven backlight colors. It comes equipped with a 128 x 64-pixel display and five user-defined function keys illuminated by red LEDs. The panel can display up to ten lines of static text with a maximum of 32 characters and up to ten lines of dynamic text with embedded variables and phrases mixed in with visuals.
The EA3-T4CL C-more 4′′ Widescreen Micro touch panel (priced at $269.00) features a 4.3-inch TFT LCD display with a resolution of 480 x 272 pixels (WQVGA) and a color palette of 32K for personalizing objects, screen backgrounds, and displaying bitmap graphics. This 4-inch widescreen panel includes an integrated Alarm Control configuration that enables the beep, backlight flash, personalized alarm banner, and red LED blinking.

Both the three-inch and four-inch touch panels come equipped with two serial communications connectors, one micro-USB programming port, and an integrated RJ45 Ethernet port.
These Micro panels are powered by a Class 2 12-24 VDC power source and can also be powered by the serial communications port on the majority of AutomationDirect PLCs or via the USB port when linked to a PC for programming. These new panels are programmed using the free EA-MG-PGMSW programming software, which may be downloaded here.
The panels are rated NEMA 4/4X and IP65 (for indoor usage only) and come with a complete two-year guarantee.